User Docs 📚
Management Files

Management Files

This manual page describes the format of the pacstallrepo and update files. These are simple text files which contain newline-separated information.

/usr/share/pacstall/repo/pacstallrepo - repository management file

/usr/share/pacstall/repo/update - update management file


Note: This file is associated with the --add-repo and --remove-repo commands.

There is one optional component and one required component:

url @alias

Where alias is optional.


This is the raw URL to a git repository. This should not end in .git. This should normally end in user/reponame.


This takes the form of @alias where alias can be anything alphanumeric. This would be useful if you wanted to do something like pacstall -I pkg@pacstall vs pacstall -I pkg@enhanced where pacstall is the official repository and enhanced is your repository with additional modifications, instead of pacstall -I pkg@github:pacstall/pacstall-programs and pacstall -I pkg@github:me/pacstall-enhanced-repo, or other various long links.


Note: This file is associated with the --update command.

Usually, this file does not need to be manually updated. If pacstall -U . on a local repository is run, it will be set to pacstall master. This is the format the update file takes:

username branch


Since Pacstall is hosted on GitHub, the update file does not support anything except GitHub, and username will take the username where a repository named pacstall is created inside.


This is the branch name, usually master. This conversion keeps the structure intact while putting the relevant content into proper markdown code blocks.