Developer Docs 📁
Docker Images

Pacstall Docker Images

For rapid containerized development of Pacstall, we provide Docker images served through the registry. These images ship with multiple different versions of Ubuntu and Debian, and are built for both amd64/x86_64 and arm64/aarch64 architectures.

Distribution Bases

The following distribution bases (distro-base) are available:

ubuntu-latest - the latest LTS release of Ubuntu.

ubuntu-rolling - the latest stable release of Ubuntu (can be LTS or interim).

ubuntu-devel - the development branch for Ubuntu. Equivalent to Debian's Sid.

debian-stable - the latest stable release of Debian.

debian-testing - the next upcoming stable release of Debian.

debian-unstable - the development branch for Debian (aka Sid).

Available Tags

The images can be reached from the following tags:${distro-base}:${version}

  • Images built and tagged when we release specific milestone versions. Can be any release 4.3.2 or later.${distro-base}:master

  • The latest version of the master branch.${distro-base}:master-${1a2b3c4d}

  • A specific commit of the master branch, given the first 8 characters of the commit hash.${distro-base}:develop

  • The latest version of the develop branch.${distro-base}:develop-${1a2b3c4d}

  • A specific commit of the develop branch, given the first 8 characters of the commit hash.${distro-base}:latest

  • The latest built image from either master or a tagged version (will never be from develop).

Running Images

For quick setup information, select your platform below: