User Docs 📚
Rhino Hotfix

Rhino Hotfix

Rhino Hotfix is a utility designed to distribute and apply hotfixes and patches to existing installations of Rhino Linux.

Usage: rhino-hotfix <input> [-h]
  Input format:
    <hotfix> (optional):  
      `hotfix`: Fetch a specific hotfix.  
      `hotfix@<metalink>`: Fetch from a specific repo, branch, or PR.  
    <metalink> (optional):  
      `[user/repo]`: Use a specific repo.  
      `[user/repo:branch]` or `[:branch]`: Use a specific branch.  
      `[user/repo#PR]` or `[#PR]`: Use a specific PR. 
      NOTE: only branch or PR can be used, not both. 
    rhino-hotfix                    # List hotfixes from rhino-linux/hotfix. 
    rhino-hotfix :branch            # List hotfixes from an upstream branch.
    rhino-hotfix hotfix             # Fetch a hotfix from rhino-linux/hotfix.
    rhino-hotfix hotfix@#42         # Fetch a hotfix from PR #42 upstream.
    rhino-hotfix @user/repo#99      # List hotfixes from PR #99 downstream.