Developer Docs 📁
Maintaining a Package

Maintaining a Package

Updating your package

Use an automated tool like Pacup (opens in a new tab).


Make sure you are on the latest commit (fetch upstream) and change the pkgver, source, and *sums (if used).

If not using Pacup, be sure to generate updated .SRCINFO data (or let pre-commit do it for you):

./scripts/ add ${pkgname}

Then make a PR and use the title:

upd(pkgname): `oldver` -> `newver`


You must use Git (not GitHub) to manage your branch. This is due to the pre-commit hooks required when creating Pacscripts.

If you join our discord, you can get the shiny Pacscript Maintainer role 🤩.

Testing packages

Our CI is pretty good at replicating a real environment, but it has some issues, such as:

  • systemd in numerous regards, but especially with networking
  • Unprivileged user running (essentially root user privileges without being root)

For situations that may require a proper user or systemd, or other circumstances where the CI is not working correctly, we have the function pacstall -Qa. It allows you to easily install package(s) from any open PR. If you know a certain package you are updating will have any issues in the CI, use pacstall -Qa and upload the terminal output in your PR description.