Developer Docs 📁
Pacscript 101

Pacstall 101: Creating a Pacscript

This page is a reference page containing most variables/arrays/functions that a person should reasonably expect to have when creating a pacscript. Below is a list of every base variable/function/array. Each will be explained in the sections that follow.

pkgbase="bar" # Package base name (only should be used for split packages)
pkgname=("foo" "barfoo") # Package name(s) (only an array if using pkgbase)
repology=("project: bar") # Repology reference for pacup
arch=('any' 'amd64' 'arm64') # Architectures that this program can build on
pkgver="1.0.0" # Upstream package version
pkgrel="3" # Counter for pacscript modifications past $pkgver
epoch="4" # Force a package to be seen as newer than any previous version
url='' # Homepage for package
) # A list of downloadable files
{b2 sha512 sha384 sha256 sha224 sha1 md5}sums=("9cc57f2ca39c2d81aed7e3d82af0b5711863bd3403bb8f024c4c3b4ecf9652a4" 'SKIP') # A list of sums based on a given hash type
nosubmodules=("foo") # List of sources that should not clone submodules
noextract=("bar") # List of sources that should not be extracted
depends=("kdenlive") # Dependencies needed during runtime
makedepends=("ed>=1.20.1" "gcc") # List of dependencies only needed to build
checkdepends=("just") # List of dependencies only needed for testing
optdepends=("bar: not foo"
  "alacritty: a blazing fast terminal"
) # A list of optional dependencies and a description
pacdeps=("dmenu" "tuner") # List of packages from pacstall to be used as dependencies
breaks=("libbar-git") # Packages that conflict with this package
conflicts=("libfoo-git" "libfoo-bin" "libfoo-app") # Packages that cannot be installed at the same time as $pkgname
replaces=("alacritty") # This package can overwrite files from packages in replaces
gives="libfoo" # Override $pkgname to create a package with name $gives
pkgdesc="Ultimate program capable of foo and bar
Here is a long description started on a newline." # Description for package
backup=('usr/share/pacstall/repo/pacstallrepo') # A list of files without the leading '/' that tell dpkg to consider them configuration files
priority='essential' # Tells dpkg to set a package priority
maintainer=("Mr. Person <[email protected]>" "Other person <[email protected]>") # List of maintainers of a package
mask=('fizzle') # Prevent apt packages from being installed with this name
provides=('foo') # Provides virtual package that satisfies $provides as a dependency
incompatible=('debian:stretch' 'debian:sid' '*:jammy' '*:20.04') # List of incompatible distros/versions
compatible=('debian:stretch' 'debian:sid' '*:jammy' '*:20.04') # Inverse of $incompatible
license=('LGPL-2.1-or-later') # Array of licenses
external_connection=true # Allow internet access during compilation process
prepare() {
  cd "${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
build() {
  cd "${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
  make -j"${NCPU}" # Use this wherever you'd usually use $(nproc)
check() {
  cd "${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
  make checks
package() {
  cd "${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
  # It is recommended for paths to be condensed with
  # variables and to be wrapped by double quotes
  make install DESTDIR="${pkgdir}"
  # If the package comes already compiled, use 'install'
  install -Dm755 "${pkgname}" -t "${pkgdir}/usr/bin"
pre_install() {
  echo "Do pre-unpacking stuff here"
pre_upgrade() {
  # run if a previous version of this package exists
  echo "Do pre-unpacking stuff here"
pre_remove() {
  # remove extra directories before an upgrade or removal
  rm -rf somedir
post_install() {
  echo "Do post-unpacking stuff here"
post_upgrade() {
  # run if a previous version of this package exists
  echo "Do post-unpacking stuff here"
post_remove() {
  # remove directories that are not removed during removal
  rm -rf somedir